Wednesday 14 October 2020

Most Important Oracle Fusion Technical Interview Questions

What are the Reporting tools available in the Oracle Fusion?

BIP Reports

OTBI reports

Smart View Reports

Financial Reporting Studio


What is OTBI Report?

OTBI is the report tool available in the Oracle Fusion, Which is used to create the reports in oracle cloud. OTBI is the very user friendly tool available in oracle fusion, where we can develop the reports with just drag and drop options. It does not require the SLQ expertise and the Fusion tables knowledge to build the reports. This is the very interesting tool available in Oracle Fusion to extract the data from the system.


What is FR Studio in Oracle Fusion?

Financial Reporting Studio is a client based Financial Reporting tool which is uses to build the Financial reports in Oracle Fusion. This is more like FSG reports in Oracle Apps. This FR studio works on the GL balances. This Uses drag and drop functionality to create a grid to design the rows, columns

and pages of the financial report. This Contains grids and other objects that are reusable across multiple reports. FR Studio Uses the GL Balances Cube dimensions on either rows, columns, pages,or Point of Views (POV).

What is Smart View Report?

Smart View is Excel Add In based Reporting Tool Suitable for End users comfortable with Excel spreadsheets. This Provides the Multidimensional View of data. Smart View Only provided the GL data.

Smart View is: Microsoft Excel Based Reporting Optionally, available for upload to Financial Reporting Center and then download to your local drive for use.

Balance sheets using a familiar spreadsheet environment.

Smart View has two main features: -

Ad hoc Analysis: Enables you to interactively analyses balances.

Financial Reports: Define reports like income statements and

balance sheets using a familiar spreadsheet environment.


What is BIP Report?

BIP is the Business Intelligence Publisher reporting tool, which is uses to develop the Complex reports in Oracle Cloud. This is specially uses to develop the Statuary reports where we need to build the specific layouts. This is more technical tool need the SQL expertise and the Technical knowledge of the Cloud Application too.


Which are the Triggers available in Oracle Fusion BIP reports?

But in Fusion BIP reports , Oracle has only given two report triggers that is :

before Data

After Data


How to get the Oracle Fusion application information’s in the BIP reports?

In Oracle Apps R12 reports , we can easily get the user information through Profile option like USER_ID, RESP_ID but in Oracle Fusion to get the user information , we need to use fusion system variables as below

System Variables                    Variables Description

User ID of the user submitting the report. Like Which fusion. User running this report
Roles assigned to the user submitting the report. Like from Which role this report is running.
Report language from the user's account preferences.
Report locale from the user's account preferences.
User interface language from the user's account preferences.
User interface locale from the user's account preferences.

For Example : Select  :xdo_user_name
                       From Dual
What is My Folder and Shared Folder in Fusion Reports?

My Folders
'My Folders' is your own folder. It means it is specific to each user. when you will create your report under this folder then no one in the application can see and access these reports because these are saved and created under your My folder. so this is totally yours personal Development.

Shared Folders
Shared Folders is your Application Common Folder. It means it is shared across users of the application as per the roles. Shared folders have many Sub-folders related to the Work related and Module Related.
Oracle has already given standard OTBI reports, Data Models and Dashboards under the sub-folders in the Shared Folders. When you will create any report under the sub-folder of Shared Folders then your report will be visible and accessible to other users of the application as per the Permission and role of that user.

What is Sandbox in Oracle Fusion?

In EBS Sandbox related to Server but in Oracle fusion Sandbox is totally different concept.

In Oracle Fusion , We will Use Sandbox to do any kind of Personalizations or Extensions or Page layout changes in Oracle Fusion Web-pages. It means we need to create Sandbox first to make any changes in Oracle Fusion application in terms of Personalizations or Extensions. Then all the changes will be done under this sandbox and this is the important feature of the sandbox that , we can do the changes in the application without impacting the complete application so these changes will only apply under the sandbox and other users of the application will not see these changes until unless you have tested the changes under sandbox and publish this sandbox. Once you will publish the sandbox in fusion then all the changes under the sandbox will be published to all the users in the application.

What is Schedule Process in Oracle Fusion?

Schedule Process in Oracle Fusion is same as Concurrent Requests in Oracle apps r12. We run the ESS jobs as a Schedule Processes in Oracle Fusion. ESS job is same as Concurrent Program in Oracle Apps r12.ESS job is the concept of Oracle Fusion with the help of this, we can run our Reports, Packages and Scripts in Oracle Fusion applications. We will first have learnt What is ESS job in Oracle Fusion and then Oracle ESS job definition.  ESS jobs in fusion apps is the same as Concurrent Program in Oracle apps r12. As we use concurrent Program to run the Reports, Procedures and Scripts in Oracle apps in the same way we use ESS jobs to run the BIP reports, Procedures and Scripts. We register Reports, scripts in fusion apps as a ESS jobs and user runs these ESS jobs as a Scheduled Processes in Oracle Fusion same as Concurrent Requests in Oracle apps R12. To create the ESS jobs, We first need to Create the Oracle ESS job definition then after that we can run the BIP reports, Procedures and Scripts through ESS jobs in Fusion Schedules Processes.

How many Types of Roles Available in Oracle Fusion?

Oracle has provided these four Types of roles.
Abstract role
Job roles
Duty roles
Data roles

What is Job Set in Oracle Fusion?

Job set is same like Request set in Oracle apps. Like in Oracle apps , We combine multiple concurrent Programs in a Request set in the same way , We Combine Multiple ESS jobs in a Fusion Job set. Job set is the set of Multiple ESS Jobs. When We want to run the same set of ESS jobs Together in Oracle Cloud, then we can add these ESS jobs in the job set and then We only need to run this concurrent Job set and all the ESS jobs under this Job set can be run together in sequentially or Parallelly order.

Fusion Tables for the ESS jobs?

There are two Oracle fusion ess tables.

What Is ESS job in Oracle Fusion?

ESS job is same like concurrent Program in Oracle apps. If we need to run the BIP reports in the Fusion Application then we need to register these reports as a ESS jobs in Oracle Fusion. Then after that we can run this report in the Fusion as a Schedule process.

What is UCM in Oracle Fusion?

UCM is the Universal Content Management Server Available in Oracle Cloud. UCM is very important in Oracle Cloud SAAS Environment. If We need to do Inbound Integration or We are doing the Outbound Integration, UCM plays very important roles in that. In Cloud UCM is same like FTP server in Oracle Apps r12. Where we put the Inbound Files to process through by Oracle Concurrent Requests and to Generate the outbound files too which will be picked by some other system. In this Way, Oracle Cloud has already created different spaces in the UCM for different works. We Just need to Identify that space in UCM for our relevant work. Inside UCM, there are different Locations  and each have different paths. We cannot create new locations or Path in the UCM. We need to use the existing locations under the UCM.

Functioning of UCM in Oracle Cloud

If we are using the UCM for Data Migrations with the Help of FBDI in Oracle Cloud then First we need to identify the right location as per our Data Entity. For Example, if We are migrating the Supplier Master then we need to identify the location of UCM server where we need to put the Supplier Master File and from where Cloud Program read this File.

What is BPM in Oracle Fusion?
BPM means Business Process Management. BPM is a complete set of tools for creating, executing, and optimizing business processes in Oracle Fusion. We can design the approval processes in BPM. We can design the Business approval processes in Oracle fusion with the Help of BPM. This is an Integrated Tool available in Oracle fusion to design and maintain approval rules as per the business needs.

What is BPM Worklist in Oracle Fusion?
BPM worklist is list of BPM workflows available in Oracle fusion which we can design as per our business Requirement in oracle fusion. We cannot create the new worklist in BPM, We can only use the existing Workflows in the BPM Worklist. In the BPM worklist, We have the approval for Expenses , AP invoice , GL Journals, PO and Requisition AR Invoices and the Cash Advance approvals and many others.

Roles Required for FRS REPORTS?

Financial Application Administrator
General Accounting Manager
Financial Analyst
Application Implementation Manager

ESS Jobs Creation and Manage its definition 
ess job creation process
--> Manage Enterprise Scheduler Job Definitions and Job Sets for Financial, Supply Chain Management, and Related Applications
  --> Manage Job Definitions.
ess jobs lov create
  --> Manage List of value sources
  Create user defined lovs using sql query.

Roles Required for creating Customer report 
--> BI Developer
--> BI Administrator
--> BI Consumer

2 components
1. data model
2. report layout

Components in datamodel
1. data sets
2. triggers
BI Consumer Role      -->      Runs Business Intelligence reports.
BI Author Role      -->      Creates and edits reports.
BI Administrator Role --> Performs administrative tasks such as creating and editing dashboards and  modifying security permissions for   reports, folders, and so on.
BI Publisher            Data Model Developer Role Creates and edits Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher data models.


How to get User Run time system information in Oracle Fusion Reports
System Variables                    Variables Description
xdo_user_name                     User ID of the user submitting the report. Like Which fusion User running this report
xdo_user_roles                     Roles assigned to the user submitting the report. Like from Which role this report is running.
xdo_user_report_oracle_lang         Report language from the user's account preferences.
xdo_user_report_locale             Report locale from the user's account preferences.
xdo_user_ui_oracle_lang             User interface language from the user's account preferences.
xdo_user_ui_locale                 User interface locale from the user's account preferences.

Select  :xdo_user_name
From Dual


How To Create DFF In Value Set Values Creation Page in Oracle Fusion

Step1:- First We need to go to Setup and Maintenance.

Step2:- In Setup & Maintenance we will go to Manage Descriptive Flexfields.
Step3:- DFF Flex Field code for Value set Value is FND_VS_VALUES_B. Click Edit to configure the DFF.

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