Tuesday 2 May 2017

Active Employees and Their Jobs in oracle apps

Active Employees and Their Jobs

SELECT papf.full_name emp_name,
      papf.current_employee_flag current_emp_flag,
      papf.employee_number emp_number,
      b.d_job_id job_title,
      papf.email_address email

FROM  apps.PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F       papf,
      apps.PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F asg,
      apps.PER_ASSIGNMENTS_V7    b,
      apps.PER_JOBS              pjb
WHERE papf.person_id       = asg.person_id(+)
AND asg.person_id          = b.person_id
AND b.effective_start_date =
  (SELECT MAX (b2.effective_start_date)
  FROM apps.per_assignments_v7 b2
  WHERE b2.person_id = b.person_id
AND NVL (papf.effective_end_date, SYSDATE + 1) > SYSDATE
AND NVL (asg.effective_end_date, SYSDATE  + 1) > SYSDATE
AND b.job_id                                   = pjb.job_id(+)
ORDER BY papf.full_name

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