Thursday 19 January 2017

Open PO's to display the information regarding the PO in oracle apps R12

Open PO's to display the information regarding the PO like Amount Billed,Amount Ordered in Shipment Level.

(l.quantity*l.unit_price) "Amount Ordered", 
(select sum(aid.amount) 
 from ap_invoices_all aia,
      ap_invoice_distributions_all aid
where aia.invoice_id = aid.invoice_id
and   aid.po_distribution_id = d.po_distribution_id)"Amount Billed",
(select sum(aip.amount )
from AP_INVOICE_PAYMENTS_all aip ,
     ap_invoice_distributions_all adi
where aip.invoice_id=adi.invoice_id
and   adi.po_distribution_id= d.po_distribution_id)"Amount Received",

gcc.segment1||'-'||gcc.segment2||'-'||gcc.segment3||'-'||gcc.segment4||'-'||gcc.segment5 "Charge account",
ll.ship_to_location_id "Ship to Location",
l.quantity            "quantity",
ll.quantity          "Ordered Quantity",
ll.quantity_Billed     "Billed Quantity",
ll.quantity_received  "Received Quantity",
po.po_headers_all h,   
po.po_lines_all l,   
po.po_line_locations_all ll,   
po.po_distributions_all d,
gl_code_combinations   gcc
where h.po_header_id = l.po_header_id   
and  gcc.code_combination_id=d.code_combination_id
and ll.po_line_id = l.po_Line_id   
and ll.line_location_id = d.line_location_id  
and h.segment1='1505'
and h.closed_date is null ;

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